Now that I follow a number of blogs and have become quite the Pinterest addict, I frequently come across clever new products, some that are clearly of the organizing kind, others, just things that make life a little easier. Here is a round-up of products I thought you might like.
Hoodie Buddie
Problem: the annoyance of trying to find your headphones (or just untangling the mess). Solution: headphones built into your hoodie. How cool is this?
The earbuds are attached to the hood tie with an interior cord that runs into the front pocket, ready to be plugged into any mobile device. It’s machine washable, buds and all. It comes in a variety of colors and styles. Check it out.
Clinique Black Honey Lip Duo
Who woulda thought I would once again be sporting my very first lip gloss from junior high days. All the rage back in the 70’s, Clinique’s Black Honey Lipgloss has certainly stood the test of time. Clinique has re-packaged this timeless product into a two-fer (gloss & lipstick) with their Black Honey Lip Duo. Pretty cool. Pretty handy dandy.
IKEA Expedit
Not a new product, but certainly a versatile, affordable and attractive storage solution that can be used in a myriad of ways. From playrooms to offices or even living rooms, the Expedit is a great option.
Binder Clips
Not the sexiest of products, but don’t we all just love our binder clips. Pier One has come out with some clever pre-labeled versions which seem to hit all the right notes. Colorful, clever and about as fun as a binder clip can be.
Whiles using baskets as an organizing tool is nothing new, they continue to be both a functional and aesthetically pleasing solution. Baskets are great for corralling so many things: dog toys, shoes, magazines, remote controls, just to name a few. You can find baskets in all kinds of shapes, sizes, colors and price points — from Target to Crate and Barrel. Here are a few of my current favorites.
Don’t you just love the color combination of these baskets? So fresh, contemporary and fun.
As pictured, this basket is great for dog toys, but could also be perfect for small toys, or flip flops.
I love that this basket has a built-in chalkboard label. Great in the garden, deck or even a playroom.
These taller baskets are a fabulous decorative element on their own; they don’t even need “stuff” in them.
Here is a new product from The Container Store. A wall-mounted system, it’s a clever solution if you are short on space and want a visual representation of your office supplies, while keeping things tidy. I think this could work easily as well in a craftroom or child’s bedroom above their desk.
Have you come across any noteworthy organizing products lately? Please share your finds.