Right on target, we are having a mini Fall heatwave here in L.A., because it wouldn’t be October without such weather! So even though I won’t be trading my sandals for boots & loafers until at least sometime in November, I chose today to clean my closet (how do those dust bunnies appear so fervently and quickly?), to do a little purging and a seasonal swap-out.
To be honest, my real incentive for taking on such a task on a very warm morning was to hopefully rid my closet of whatever nasty bug has chosen to snack on a lot of my cotton tees. Until I googled it, I didn’t even realize this was a thing, ugh…
So what better time to share my tips for seasonal closet updates.
Caring for Cashmere & Wool
Despite our annual warm temps, us Angelenos still don cashmere sweaters on occasion, especially those of the cardigan variety. To prevent moth holes I’ve found that using Cedar Hang Ups and Cedar Blocks go a long way to protect these delicate garments. Use the Cedar Hang Ups in-between sweaters you keep on hangers. Place the cedar blocks in-between sweaters that are folded on a shelf or in a drawer. You don’t need a hang up or block for every sweater; just place several of them among the clothing to ensure protection.
The cedar “effect” does wear off over the course of a year. The good news is you don’t need to buy new blocks or hang ups, simply buy Cedar Spray to reinvigorate your existing product. Make sure to spray both sides in a well ventilated space as the odor is quite strong. Once dry, just place the Cedar pieces back in the closet and/or drawers and you’re good to go for another moth-free year.
Seasonal Wardrobe Clean Out
A change of seasons is always a great time to do a little closet purging. Take stock of everything in your closet and ask yourself the following questions:
- Do I still like it?
- Will I “actually” wear it?
- Does it need to be repaired or cleaned?
- Does it fit?
- Is it flattering?
- Is it still stylish?
Be honest with yourself, because each item you keep that you know won’t get worn takes up valuable real estate in your closet; space that could be used by something you truly love and will actually wear this coming season. My motto is, every time I bring in something new, one or two items leave. It’s really true that we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. Same goes for shoes and bags.
Just saying……….
The Swap Out
I like to seasonally move things around in my closet to showcase the current season. By November, linen clothing, summer dresses, most sandals and brightly colored tees go away until Spring. The darker hues, long sleeve tops/tees, sweaters and cords move to the front of the closet. It’s a subtle shift to be sure, especially here in the land of eternal sunshine and mild temps, but a shift nonetheless.
Depending upon your closet size and other available storage areas (additional closets, high shelves, under the bed) you can find ways to make the shift work for you. During this process take stock of what needs to be repaired (boots, shoes, bags) and cleaned (sweaters, etc.) and add them to your errand list.
Closet Organizers