Spring has officially sprung. While we didn’t have much of a winter here in L.A., there are small hints of a new season. The longer days, gardens starting to bloom, and the promise of many more warmer days ahead, it’s a good time to embrace the annual ritual of Spring cleaning organizing.
Here are 5 quick Spring Organizing tips.
1/Corral Magazines
Even if you only have a few regular subscriptions, magazines can pile up like nobody’s business. For issues that you wish to keep (I recommend keeping only for one year, then either cut out articles you want, and/or recycle), magazine caddies are the perfect solutions. They stand up nicely on a bookshelf and can be easily labeled.
2/Protect Stored Clothing
For off season or rarely worn items (tuxedos, black tie dresses, etc.), dust can easily collect and cause discoloration, particularly around the shoulders. Protect these garments by using natural cotton storage bags. If you only have a few items, these slender bags will do the trick:
We all hate those pesky moth holes that seem to suddenly appear on our favorite cashmere sweater. Protect your clothing with cedar chips. Simply place them in-between folded sweaters. Try this hanging version for cardigans and wool jackets.
3/ Clean out your wallet/purse
It’s no wonder some of us have shoulder pain. The sheer weight of our handbags keeps many a Chiropractor in business! So, let’s clean out some of that excess clutter. You know what I’m talking about — loose change, receipts, 25 lipsticks (just kidding), expired credit cards, etc. Think about what you really need to have in your wallet and/or purse and try to pare down to save your body. While you’re at it, maybe you’ll treat yourself to a new wallet or handbag. A new season is a great opportunity excuse to splurge!
My darling husband got me this great cross body bag for my birthday yesterday.
4/Closet Swap
While we don’t really have seasonal wardrobes here in Cali, there are some items that definitely fall into the Fall/Winter category, versus the Spring/Summer category. If you’re like me and don’t have a particularly large master closet, you might want to swap out the winter wear for the spring/summer wear, storing the off-season items in another closet. Check to see which spring/summer items may have lost their luster. White tees and tops come to mind. Over time these will yellow. Check your sandals as well for wear and tear.
5/Containerize those coupons
I love a good deal and definitely have my share of coupons, rewards cards and email discount offers. It’s easy to lose track of all these offers, especially since some are on our phones/computers, versus those we get the in the mail or clip from the daily papers. I use a couple of different systems. For “paper” type coupons, e.g., Bed, Bath n’Beyond, grocery stores, postcard offers, I keep them in the slot next to my seat in the car. That way, when I’m out and about they are always available. I have a colored plastic envelope which helps to corral these guys. For email offers, I tend to keep them on my phone (to save printing them) and simply show the coupon to the salesclerk.
Well, I hope these suggestions inspire you to do a little Spring organizing. Have a great weekend.